Sunday, November 16, 2008

my favorite (dc) things

This weekend I made the journey back to D.C., my 2008 summer home, to visit some friends and get a much needed taste of the (almost) South. It was a quick little trip, Chinatown-bus style (my DC Metro fare for the weekend cost more than the roundtrip busride back and forth to NYC... god bless the Apex bus!). I loved visiting the city I got to know this summer. I even got to see my old house in Petworth (for more info on the best neighborhood in DC, check out this great blog) and I visited an ice cream shop near and dear to my heart, Beveragemania. I worked at this Petworth staple all summer and grew very fond of their cheap shakes and lovely owners, Joy and Leonard. Lucky for me both were working when I stopped by! I loved seeing them again. I also had a fantastic dinner at Busboys and Poets-- I had only been there for drinks before, but their food is both affordable and inventive. Whoo hoo for weekend getaways! 

On a sidenote-- during one of Eric's nights off last week, we saw a free concert at The Living Room in the Village. My man knows my taste in music well and he knew I'd enjoy seeing Sydney Wayser, a singer-songwriter whose music sounds like it could accompany an entire season of Grey's Anatomy. Check out her stuff-- support your local musicians! 

Sunday, November 2, 2008

It's been awhile since we've updated... lame. Things have been busy, but that's no excuse for blog-slacking. 

Lots of exciting things happening in our lives. Here's a taste:

1) I would like to announce that Eric has successfully become a part of the team behind the New York Times website, and I couldn't be prouder! :) However, the job does come with a bit of a price... he'll be workin' the graveyard shift five nights a week. Yes, times are a-changin'... and so will Eric's (and my) body clocks... but such is the life of a successful journalist. Tonight's his first night on the job-- I wonder what he's doing right this minute? 

2) Halloween in NYC is quite the production. Having lived in Chapel Hill, home of the South's largest Halloween celebration, for the past four years, I'm used to some pretty ridonkulous happenings on the 31st. To be honest, Franklin Street's insanity got to be a bit much for me... dozens of shady men with videocameras taping all of the scantily clad college students combined with random grope attacks really was a bit much. Eric and I spent this year's Halloween celebrating in the Village with our friend who attends NYU Law and I'm happy to report that it was a really great, family-friendly time. Only a few PG-13 moments, and they all occured after midnight. We tried to get a peek at the Halloween parade, but didn't have much luck seeing anything, so ended up walking around admiring the various costumery. Oh, and did I mention what we went as? Eric was Joe the Plumber, complete with baldness (I did NOT approve of that decision) and I was a very pregs Bristol Palin. We were certain that we'd see plenty of Joes and Sarahs around, but to our surprise there really weren't many! I'm going to take that as a good sign. 

3) I took my first yoga class in about six months last week and I was super sore for three days. The class was so intense-- people were standing on their heads and folding up into pretzels while I was busy trying to balance on one foot. New York yoga = way over my head. 

4) My BFF from high school, miss Jeanie, came and visited last weekend and we had a splendid time shopping, attending the Martha show and eating at yummy restaurants. I love having visitors because it gives me an excuse to do fun things! 

5) Election day is in two days. Have you voted yet??