Monday, October 6, 2008

the next stop is...

Moving to New York City wasn't exactly on my short list of things to do. Having grown up in Rochester, I felt like I'd already done the "New York thing"-- sure, I couldn't see the State of Liberty from my bedroom window growing up, but I felt like I'd checked the Empire State off my list.

But despite my passion for planning, things didn't exactly turn out the way I thought they would. After graduating in May, I moved to Washington while Eric (my co-blogger and partner-in-crime) decided to pursue his journalistic dreams in the Big Apple.

Well. That threw a wrench in the works.

And while I really enjoyed living in DC (more stories to come about that later), I surprised myself by not hating NYC when I'd come to visit. In fact, I completely fell in love with the previously unseen, unexplored and untamed* borough of Brooklyn, where Eric lived. So in August, I sold my things, rented a minivan (with fold-down seats... god I love minivans!) and settled into my new home straddling that fine, delicate line between Crown and Prospect Heights. For the first month, it was kind of hard. But now (I was just telling Eric the other day and he's going to be happy to see that I've actually put it in writing!) I'm starting to come around to it again. Brooklyn's pretty cool. So we're going to write about it.

Now here's my interesting Yiddish fact of the day (after all, we do live in Crown Heights...) did you know that it's actually spelled "farklempt" and not "verklempt"? As in, "Just the thought of my dear old dog Sammy is making me all farklempt." Oi! I had no idea!

*by me